CommView for WiFi
Fungsinya untuk menampilkan informasi penting seperti daftar jalur akses dan stasiun, statistik per-node dan per-channel, kekuatan sinyal, daftar paket dan koneksi jaringan, grafik distribusi protokol, dll. Dengan memberikan informasi ini, CommView for WiFi dapat membantu Anda melihat dan memeriksa paket, menentukan masalah jaringan, dan masalah software dan hardware.
Fungsinya untuk menampilkan informasi penting seperti daftar jalur akses dan stasiun, statistik per-node dan per-channel, kekuatan sinyal, daftar paket dan koneksi jaringan, grafik distribusi protokol, dll. Dengan memberikan informasi ini, CommView for WiFi dapat membantu Anda melihat dan memeriksa paket, menentukan masalah jaringan, dan masalah software dan hardware.
If your wireless card is not on the list, please click here for the technical information, or take advantage of our special offer and get a compatible adapter free of charge.
If your wireless card is not on the list, please click here for the technical information, or take advantage of our special offer and get a compatible adapter free of charge.
- WLAN administrator.
- Security professionals.
- Home users are interested in monitoring their WLAN traffic.
- Programmers to develop software for the wireless network.
- Scan the air for WiFi stations and access points.
- Take 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g WLAN and traffic.
- Specify WEP or WPA keys to decrypt encrypted packets.
- View detailed per-node and per-channel statistics.
- View detailed IP connections statistics: IP addresses, ports, sessions, etc.
- Back TCP session.
- known, rogue access points, etc.
- See the protocol "pie" charts.
- Monitor bandwidth utilization.
- Browse captured and decoded packets in real time.
- Search for strings or hex data in captured packet contents.
- Log individual or all packets to files.
- Load and view capture files offline.
- And much more.