sniper stance for stealing script blogs or sites that stingy because they do not want to share scrip is to utilize the services of omMozilla Firebug (Addsons). unfortunately this application is used only for mozilla firefox
To download firebug please go to the following address, or Click here addons.mozilla.firebug
Once you go on the page, please click the green button labeled
add to firefox and follow the next steps.
After installation is complete, firefox will ask you for your Mozillafirefox restarted, then you also have to restart it.
On the display screen Firefox try to consider that there is a slight change in the image bottom right corner (icon flies) that characterize the firebug installed.
To use it, please you to the blog buddy friend who is stingy. then point your mouse at the gadgate or widgets or whatever you think is beautiful zoom and want to get the script.
Then right click your mouse, it will appear a row of menu options.
Select / click Inspect element or check elements contained in the bottom of the row of menu.
Will appear on the monitor screen scripts contained in the blog template, one of which is the script that we're looking for (usually blocked in blue). Just copy the script.
How easy is not it?
Klo's closed back firebugnya by clicking the turnoff at the top right of the corner.